MADE BY NMR SERVICE - MADE FOR YOU +49(0)361-551-282-00

Bruker BioSpin

NMR SERVICE including its subsidiary ePROBE collaborate with Bruker BioSpin on the design and manufacturing of customised probes, e.g. operando/in situ NMR probes for battery research. The probes come with a Bruker touch and feel as well as full plug and play compatibility to all Bruker spectrometers. We also provide various repair services for Bruker solid-state NMR probes and accessories.


NMR SERVICE is the official sales and service partner of Tecmag Inc. (Houston, TX, US). Tecmag manufactures NMR, NQR, and MRI instrumentation including consoles, system upgrades, and solid-state probes. We offer the full support in planning, purchasing, and installing your new Tecmag product. Furthermore, we offer various customised accessories and probes for your new system.

Phoenix NMR

NMR SERVICE is the certified service partner for probe installations and repairs of Phoenix NMR (Loveland, CO, USA) for the European market and Israel.

SpinDoc NMR Services

NMR SERVICE partners with Spin Doc NMR Services (Dr. Bert Heise) on liquid-state NMR probe repairs, refurbished magnets, and various NMR accessories.

Shanghai Q&M instruments

Shanghai Q&M instruments is an officially authorised sales, service, and application partner for NMR SERVICE in China.

上海趋量仪器有限公司是 NMR SERVICE 在中国区域官方授权的设备销售,售后服务和应用合作伙伴。

Anarghya InnoTech / Incienta

Anarghya InnoTech is our sales and service partner for South-Asia and India. Its network including Incienta (Darmstadt, DE) supports our technical sales.

Scientific Magnetics / ICE Oxford

NMR SERVICE partners with Scientific Magnetics / ICE Oxford on distributing complete NMR/NQR solutions for solid-state research including sweep-magnets and Helium-free cryostat system combined with our extreme temperature NMR/NQR probes.

ILK Dresden

NMR SERVICE collaborates with the Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik (ILK) Dresden, Germany, on the development of low-temperature probes to research dark matter.


NMR SERVICE partners with Tomco Technologies (Australia). We include many of their RF power amplifiers into our complete NMR/NQR systems.


NMR SERVICE collaborates with Biologic Germany on electrochemical cyclers/potentiostats for in situ NMR applications.

HF Barthel

NMR SERVICE partners with barthel HF-Technik GmbH (Aachen, DE) on RF power amplifiers and other customised solutions in RF technology.

Watch this space for your customised solution - contact us.